Vacuum massage device Pneumatron 200 N Komfort

  • Pneumatic pulsation technology
  • An effective and painless treatment
  • Wide applicability, extremely long list of indications
  • Suitable for all chronic and difficult-to-treat ailments
  • Wide range of accessories for different parts of the body
  • Includes thermotherapy accessories
  • Includes a mobile trolley for convenient storage of the apparatus and accessories
  • The therapy is non-invasive, pleasant, gentle and relaxing
  • Suitable for use in medical institutions and at home
  • Certified medical device complying with Directive 93/42/EEC


Manufacturer: Pneumed GmbH, Germany

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Product description

Wide applicability and optimal impact

PNEUMATRON® is a multifunctional device for deep massage, lymphatic drainage, connective tissue massage and cupping.
It is used in many medical offices, hospitals and pain clinics due to its wide range of applications and high efficiency.
Physiotherapists, Olympic training centres and top-class athletes use the device for rehabilitation after sports injuries and to relieve muscle tension.
It is also a favourite of aesthetic clinics and beauty salons and is used for a wide range of facial and body treatments.  

How Pneumatron® works

The PNEUMATRON® 200 works by creating an intermittent vacuum.
The tissue is first retracted by a tensile pulse (vacuum) and then goes back into the relaxation phase (at atmospheric pressure).
The vacuum can be adjusted between -0.1 and -0.8 bar.
The tissue is then agitated and vibrated (pulsed).
The tissue is an inert mass and therefore a certain force is required to achieve this vibration process.
This force must also overcome the damping due to internal frictional forces.
Stefan Deny, the inventor of the Pneumatron® 200, has been testing various pump systems (piston pumps, diaphragm pumps) for many years.
Finally, he found that only a piston pump could maintain the desired vibration rate of the tissues.
The vacuum effect causes the tissue layers and muscles to be sucked in.
The continuously changing pulse ensures an intensive treatment of the affected part of the tissue.
This distinguishes Deny Pneumatic Pulsation Therapy (PPT) from other treatments that create a constant vacuum.
This therapy simultaneously activates the movement of tissue fluids.
Thus, all accumulated metabolic products, inflammatory mediators and environmental pollutants can be dissolved and eliminated from the body more efficiently through the accelerated blood and lymphatic flow.
At the same time, vital substances, including hormones, vitamins and minerals, are transported into the cells.  

Pulsating thermal massage – a treat for the muscles

Complement the pneumatic pulsation massage with a special heat or cold effect.
In practice, thermal massage with heat is commonly used to treat muscle shortening and stretching.
Cold is used to treat trigger points.
The innovative combination of pulsating massage and thermotherapy can lead to faster and optimal blood circulation, muscle relaxation and a reflexive effect on internal organs.
Tightened muscles can also be gently stretched using heat.
That’s why the PNEUMATRON® 200 Komfort comes with the PNEUMATRON® THERM unit for warming up special cups to a temperature of around 45oC.  

Overall impact

  • Local activation of blood circulation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Scar reduction
  • Improved wound healing
  • Pain relief
  • Effects on the internal organs through reflex arcs
  • Mental relaxation
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved cell metabolism in tissues
  • Relaxation of skin and connective tissue
  • Effects on the autonomic nervous system





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